What Science Can Teach Us About God

People searching for God gain insights from many sources. An obvious source, for me, is religion because it directly addresses the question of the existence of God and his/her relationship ...

Religions: Are They All the Same?

Many people searching for God undoubtedly find the multitude and diversity of beliefs claimed by “people of faith” confusing, and even irritating. According to Wikipedia, there are approximately 4,200 religions ...

The Joy of Love

As you may know, the incidence of marriage has been declining rapidly. “The marriage rate is at its lowest point in more than a century,” reported USA Today in 2013, ...

Suicide and Loss of Faith

More people, it seems, want to kill themselves. While other causes of death in the U.S. are on the decline, the suicide rate has risen by a quarter, to 13 ...

Seizing an Illusive Prize

For just a few minutes, I ask you to suspend any disbelief you may have about Jesus’ resurrection and the gospel accounts about it because I want to write about ...

Unknown and Unsung Saints

Growing up Catholic, I used to read about the saints. That may sound quaint, and perhaps boring. But it wasn’t their piety that attracted me. It was the fact that ...