Who, or What, is God?

Do you ever stop to think about who, or what God is, and where we get our image of God? The title of this blog, “Who or What is God?” ...

Conforming to “the Real World”

My friend, Ted Wolgamot, a retired psychologist, also writes a weekly essay on religious matters and last week included this anecdote. A priest received a phone call from an irate ...

Is Forgiveness Overrated?

A recent article in the New York Times reports on a new book by trauma therapist Amanda Gregory entitled, “You Don’t Need to Forgive: Trauma Recovery on Your Own Terms.” ...

The Best We Can Do?

It’s strange what you remember, and don’t remember, in old age. I remember, for instance, the oddity of the snail darter – a tiny, seemingly insignificant fish that stopped for ...

All About Heaven?

Fox News interviewed former president Donald Trump in early June and among the questions was one on the meaning of religion. I’ll provide his answer, but first, a caveat. This ...

The Problem with Randomness

I was working on my bike a couple of weeks ago and in lifting it onto a rack where I could move the chain freely, I put my right arm ...