The Search for God and the Sense of Loss

As a young man I worked part of a summer in a cemetery, mostly cutting grass and pulling weeds. I had to help dig graves a couple of times and ...

Fleetwood Mac a “religious experience?”

Believe it or not, I recently attended my first “rock” concert. Even though the Fleetwood Mac performers are nearly as old as me, culturally the experience was like a visit to ...

Belief: The Least Interesting Part of Faith?

Although I’m not fond of describing faith as a “mystery,” I must acknowledge that it is, like “love,” a nebulous word whose meaning is difficult to nail down. It means ...

Religion without God?

The search for God, to say nothing of belonging to a religion, has its costs. It requires sincerity, perseverance and patience, with oneself and with God. And it requires a ...

Is the Pope Catholic?

(This article, by Tom Carney, appeared in the Des Moines Sunday Register on March 30.) Diego Neria was born female but had a sex-change operation eight years ago. He was ...

The “Cities” Within

One of many widely propagated myths is that there is a basic conflict between science and faith. It is promoted on both sides, even though the tenets of neither support ...