Searching for God in the Midst of Conlict

I know how nerdy this sounds, but as a child I used to watch ants, particularly the black and red ants that occupied the territory around a big tree in ...

Guilt: Kroc and Crosby

In a scene set in the mid-1950s in the movie, The Founder, Ray Kroc tells the McDonald brothers, the real founders of the fast-food giant, that eating at a McDonald’s ...

Toward a Hunger Games Society?

Thomas More, the lawyer who became England’s chancellor under the infamous Henry VIII and was later declared a saint, wrote a book called “Utopia” in 1516. It was about a ...

Joy in Flashes of Insight

The next time you swat a fly, you may want to reflect on the fact that you’re cutting shorter an already short lifespan an average of just four weeks. But ...

A Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness?

Hurricanes devastate Texas, Georgia and Florida. An earthquake measuring 8.1 on the Richter scale causes 90 deaths and widespread damage and homelessness in Mexico. North Korea continues to launch dangerous ...

Intimacy with God?

Along with Jefferson and Franklin, Thomas Paine was one of the brains behind the American Revolution. Born in England, he arrived in America just in time to join the fight ...