Waiting, Not Camping Out

For many years before he became a branch manager of a paint and glass company, my father was a traveling salesman, and a good one. His byword, common among salesmen, ...

Family Stories

Back in my parochial school, we sometimes told Bible jokes – not in the presence of the nuns, of course, although they probably would have enjoyed them as much as ...

The Gospel of The Little Prince

Attention all those concerned only with “matters of great consequence:” Is it possible that you’ve become someone you didn’t want to be, having strayed far from the innocence and simplicity ...

God as Santa Claus

Belief in God is comparable to belief in Santa Claus, say some skeptics. It’s childish and nothing but wishful thinking. I respect their views, and given the fact that my ...

Why “Church” May Have Lost Its Appeal

A few months ago I wrote a two-and-a-half page letter to the liturgy committee at the church my wife and I attend. For those unfamiliar with the term, “liturgy” refers ...

Doctrine is not “Church”

A curious thing happened after the close of the Democratic National Convention last month. Sales of pocket-sized versions of the U.S. Constitution skyrocketed. That’s right, the document, sold for $1 ...