Lent: Does Voluntary Suffering Make Sense?

I wrote in a previous blog about my visit as a young man to London’s famous Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. Anyone can get on a soapbox there and talk ...

Why Doesn’t God Answer Prayers?

One Sunday night when I was a priest in Bolivia, a man pounded on my door and asked for help. He was a “marinero,” a member of a crew of ...

How Could God Possibly Love Us?

I recently began re-reading the famous novel, “The Exorcist” by William Blatty. The movie of the same name, made in 1973, is considered by many to be a classic, starting ...

Alternative Facts and the Search for God

My wife, Amparo, answered the phone and a pleasant female voice said, “Hi. Since you’ve stayed in our resort, I want to let you know that….” Amparo hung up. It ...

What Siri Doesn’t Know

I recently joined the millions of smart alecks who have asked Siri questions they know are hard or impossible to answer. (Siri is the electronic voice that tries to answer ...

What Makes Us Happy?

What was the happiest day of your life? The “politically correct” answers would be, “the day I got married,” or “the day my children were born.” Fact is, I didn’t ...