Sounds of Silence

In a recent issue, Matt Malone, editor of America Magazine, passed along a joke about his religious order, the Jesuits, who have a reputation for being highly educated, sophisticated and ...

Is God a Feminist?

Definitely. OK, so we don’t usually think of him/her in those terms, which may conjure up women protesting, marching and going bra-less. But does God buy into society’s biases against ...

How to Be a Success

A recent National Public Radio broadcast discussed the huge differences in salaries that result from the choice of a college major and subsequent career choice. The presumption underlying the story ...


As a section editor at a newspaper, I occasionally received calls from people complaining that the paper was filled with “bad news.” They wanted “good news,” they said. I had ...

How to be Human

Next time you hear a scientist say something like, “The more we know about the universe the less important we become,” don’t buy it. The reality is precisely the opposite, ...

Lessons from Chiapas and Ciudad Juarez

Outside Mexico itself, the United States is home to the largest Mexican community in the world. More than one in 10 Americans count Mexico as their country of origin or ...