Why I’m a Catholic

Though these blogs are obviously written by a Catholic, I try to make them as non-denominational as possible, hoping they can be of use to all readers. But it occurs ...

Want Peace? Trust

As I was thinking about how to write about trust, I looked out my office window and saw a robin lighting on the topmost branch of a birch tree in ...

Why Truth Matters

I recently received a letter that appeared to be “official.” It had the clear plastic windows on the envelope you would expect from an official source, a return address saying ...

Where to Look for God

“If people say they just love the smell of books, I always want to pull them aside and ask, to be clear, do you know how reading works?” I found ...

Settling for Pacifiers

I recently met my beautiful, new great, great niece (Yes, I’m that old.). It was close to feeding time during a recent visit and her mother – like most mothers ...

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

The newspaper I read allows readers to submit anonymous comments without having to take ownership of what they write. They write about everything from politics to trends to crime news. “I ...