Ten years ago, Dr. Kristina Darnauer and her husband moved to tiny Sterling, KS. so their kids would be raised with “small-town values.” “The values of hard work, the value of ...
The Bible may be the best-selling book of all time, but how many people who have bought it, or received it as a gift, have actually read it? I suspect ...
I recall as a youth being saddened by the song, Auld Lang Syne. I’ve read that the title is taken from a phrase in a 1788 poem by the famous Scotsman, ...
Sometimes these blogs come together easily. They flow from my brain onto the screen. Other times, I write and re-write, and every word is a problem. That’s the case with ...
During Mass at a parish in Denver that my wife, Amparo, and I attend when visiting family members, children bring gifts to a Nativity display at the foot of the ...
I can’t remember a day in my life when I haven’t prayed, and that includes times when my faith was weak-to-none and when I was facing personal crises. But seldom ...