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New Shocking Findings Concerning Autism

A brand new book entitled Evolving Ourselves, by Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans claims that “In 2008, a 78 percent increase in autism – a noncontagious condition – occurred in fewer than eight years!”

The authors go on to report that the first reaction of many MDs was that the situation concerning autism couldn’t really be that serious. There had to be a mistake in the reporting. “But as case after case accumulates and overwhelms parents, school districts, and health-care systems, there is a growing sense that something is going horribly wrong, and no one really knows why.”

“What scientists do know, because of a May 2014 study that looked at more than 2 million children, is that environmental factors are driving more and more autism cases.”

Whereas autism used to be 80 to 90 percent explained by genetics, now genetics is only 50% predictive. The authors conclude: “We have taken a disease we mostly inherited and rapidly turned it into a disease we can trigger. Now the chances of … developing autism is 1 in 8, instead of 1 in 20.”  

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