This resource will feature weekly Sunday Reflections based on the readings from Sacred Scripture written by Ted Wolgamot, Psy.D. The readings are found in those cycles common to the Catholic Church, the Episcopal Church, and most mainstream Protestant churches. It will also include a blog written by a guest, articles of interest in the spiritual world, and books that have been found to be of special import.
John Allen, a renowned Catholic journalist, claims that whenever he speaks to a church audience these days, he tells this joke: “A dad is sitting in his living room when ...
Interesting that during the election campaign, “science” became a bone of contention, with one side accusing the other of ignoring it. Most of us don’t give the topic “science” much ...
“See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are … what we shall be has not yet ...
Of all the media images related to the pandemic, none have affected me more than images of nursing-home residents deprived of visits from loved ones. Nursing-home residents are often shown ...
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second ...
I wouldn’t tell you who to vote for or what party to support, but I do offer my opinions on what I believe people searching for God should look for ...