Walking my daughter’s dog in a racially mixed, Denver neighborhood recently, I passed an African-American woman who smiled and said, “I like your dog.” “Thank-you,” I said, and we both ...
Aside from species characteristics, what do all human beings have in common despite differences in beliefs, philosophies, ideologies, political parties and nationalities? The desire to be happy. Happiness means different ...
I recall reading that during the Cold War, at a time when the Soviet Union was officially atheist and religious practice was forbidden, Russians – even Communist party members – ...
Recently, I attended a reception for the new pastor of our little parish in Granger, IA. I was sitting at a table with fellow parishioners when the priest, who is ...
Among my earlier blogs were two I posted in the summer of 2013 about “God and sex.” I feel the need to write about it again because I believe it ...
NASA recently said its Kepler spacecraft spotted “earth’s bigger, older cousin,” the first nearly earth-size planet to be found in the habitable zone of a star similar to our own. ...