God and Sex, Part III

Among my earlier blogs were two I posted in the summer of 2013 about “God and sex.” I feel the need to write about it again because I believe it ...

A God of Extraterrestrial Life?

NASA recently said its Kepler spacecraft spotted “earth’s bigger, older cousin,” the first nearly earth-size planet to be found in the habitable zone of a star similar to our own. ...

Why Do People Still Go to Church?

A May 2015 survey by the Pew Research Center shows that 23 percent of Americans identified as “religiously unaffiliated,” up from 16.1 percent seven years earlier. And a third of ...

Your Attention, Please

If it’s hard to get people’s attention about God and religion, it may be even harder to get them to read about protecting the environment. And protection is needed more ...

Messing with Political Agendas

Pope Francis’ recent document on the environment, “On the Care of Our Common Home,” elicited interesting reactions from many American politicians, including some announced and presumed presidential candidates of his ...

Do We Really Need a God like Us?

When I worked as a priest in Bolivia, I was told that the Aymara-speaking people in my parish would do anything short of murder and mayhem to get their babies ...