At my age, it’s hard to remember being a parent of young children. A recent visit by my son, his spouse and two children, 11/2 and 31/2, was a reminder. ...
I’ve had casual conversations with friends about “intelligence.” What constitutes intelligence? What are its properties? Some say it’s having a great memory. Others that it’s the ability to learn. Besides ...
I know how nerdy this sounds, but as a child I used to watch ants, particularly the black and red ants that occupied the territory around a big tree in ...
In a scene set in the mid-1950s in the movie, The Founder, Ray Kroc tells the McDonald brothers, the real founders of the fast-food giant, that eating at a McDonald’s ...
Thomas More, the lawyer who became England’s chancellor under the infamous Henry VIII and was later declared a saint, wrote a book called “Utopia” in 1516. It was about a ...
The next time you swat a fly, you may want to reflect on the fact that you’re cutting shorter an already short lifespan an average of just four weeks. But ...