This blog is published every Thursday. But for the first time in five years, I won’t be publishing Skeptical Faith next Thursday, Jan. 11. I’ll be on a week-long expedition ...
I grew up in a deeply religious family, but neither my parents nor my four older siblings were showy about it. My father was a practical sort of guy and ...
When I worked as a priest among the Aymara-speaking people of Bolivia, it wasn’t unusual when walking to communities high in the mountains to find remnants of pagan worship. Among ...
When I was a kid, starting when I was about 8 or 9 years old, I believe, my friends and I used to be gone from our houses for hours ...
Around this time of year, I grumble about the lights and decorations at the malls and in neighborhoods, about the Christmas music that will have to be endured for more ...
At a recent visit to the house of my son and daughter-in-law near Chicago, my 3-year-old grandson pointed to the bald spot on the back of my head and asked, ...