Searching for God, Ignoring the Issues?

I have at times teased my life-long friend, Fr. Gerald Waris, about the time in the late 60s when he fled from the front door of an irate resident of ...

Is Tolerance the Best We Can Do?

The web site, “Teaching Tolerance” at, quotes UNESCO, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. “Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s ...

When to Get Serious About the Search for God

In his book, “The Lost City of the Monkey God,” Douglas Preston briefly describes the rise of The United Fruit Company, the firm that had possibly the most influence – ...

How “Church” Can Be Joyful and Relevant

My wife, Amparo, and I have been staying in the little town of Barichara, Colombia, for the past three weeks. It bills itself as “the most beautiful town in Colombia,” ...

How Can You Really Love God?

As a child, I attended a parochial school, taught by nuns. We had daily religious education classes and I recall several discussions about what should motivate you to keep God’s ...

The Awesomeness of God (Yawn)

Our daughter, Maureen, who lives in Colorado and is a great admirer of the Rocky Mountains, recently reminded me of the trips from Iowa to Colorado our family took when ...