An Antidote to FOMO

I love Facebook. It allows me to keep in touch with people with whom I could easily lose touch, people with whom I would otherwise rarely communicate. That includes friends ...

What Makes Someone, or Something, Holy?

In a 2013 blog called “The Idea of the Holy,” I wrote that for many, the word “holy” is an enigma. It’s not in our vocabulary. We don’t know exactly ...

A New View of the Moon

A three-minute video, called “A New View of the Moon,” went viral on YouTube recently, even though it showed little of the image of the big round rock that shadows ...

Does God Really Answer Prayer?

I recently listened to Trevor Noah’s “Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood” on the Audible APP. As the book’s title indicates, Noah – a comedian who hosts ...

Are We Salvageable?

I missed most of the Easter Sunday NBC production of “Jesus Christ Superstar” but I’ve been watching segments on YouTube and have been so moved by Sara Bareilles’ rendition of ...

Why I Write These Essays

I’m coming up on my 250th blog – appearing as essays on some sites – since I began publishing them five years ago. I’m sure many people who see them ...