Fanaticism not “True Religion”

One night during Hanukkah this year, two Jewish children disappeared from their home about two hours northwest of New York City, according to a story in the New York Times. ...

Accounting for Beauty

I’m not among believers who deny evolution. To me, it’s a rational and elegant explanation for how the universe came to be. And neither I nor my church sees a ...

Hard to Talk, or Write, About God

“It’s Getting Harder to Talk about God,” declares a recent opinion piece in the New York Times. Author Jonathan Merritt, who describes himself as “the son of a prominent megachurch ...

Faith Painfully Tested

The scene is Poland, winter of 1945. Just as Poles are sighing in relief that the Nazi death camps have been liberated and the Nazis vanquished, the country is occupied ...

Why Go to Church?

In writing these blogs, I often ask the rhetorical question, “What’s the point?” about a specific issue. But you could ask that about the blog itself. Why write a blog ...

What’s It All About?

I was watching a documentary recently that showed Tibetan monks displaying their incredible talent in creating sand art. Their creations, called Mandalas, are made from white stones the monks crush ...