Good, and Bad, Priests

My best friend – after my wife and kids – is Father Gerald Waris. We’ve been friends for at least 72 years when his family moved in “across the alley” ...

Should You Be Loyal to a Religion?

I once wrote a newspaper story about a man in his mid-80s who cared for his wife who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at a young age. She was ...

The Search for Truth is the Search for God

Imagine a world in which nobody lies. Now imagine a world in which lying is illegal and enforced by law enforcement officers who “speculate” about who is lying and who ...

Relevancy and the Cult of Self

I often criticize religion in these blogs for its lack of relevance. I believe many people agree, asking themselves “Why do I need it? I’m comfortable living my life as ...

“True Religion,” Part II (Perceiving God’s Presence)

In the promos for the TV series, “The Story of God,” Morgan Freeman asks, “What happens when someone sees, or feels, the presence of God?” For people for whom the ...

Fanaticism not “True Religion”

One night during Hanukkah this year, two Jewish children disappeared from their home about two hours northwest of New York City, according to a story in the New York Times. ...