Friendship: A Lifework

Bob McCahill has been writing an annual Christmas letter to the National Catholic Reporter every year since 1984. This year, his letter provided vignettes on his long-time mission in Bangladesh. ...

The Six Wise Men

I’m sure you’ve heard the gospel story of the “three wise men,” sometimes called “the three kings” or the “magi.” Most Scripture scholars believe the writer of the Gospel of ...

How God Speaks to Us

In a blog back in 2014, I wrote about Tom Pfeffer, my sister’s brother-in-law. He was an extraordinary priest who was pastor of a mostly Hispanic parish before he died ...

How to Avoid Being “the Church Lady”

I recently had a wake-up moment. I was reading the gospel story that includes the parable about leaving the 99 sheep to find one that was missing. In case you ...

Finding Stars But No God

I’ve been watching a documentary on Netflix on the Andes Mountains. The series is mostly about the natural beauty of the South American mountain range and the people who live ...

What “Organized Religion” is Doing

Remember when the Amazon forest was on fire? It was only a few months ago, but so many things have happened since – more school shootings, mass demonstrations in Latin ...