Among famous people dying recently was Norm MacDonald, a comedian who was a regular on Saturday Night Live from 1993 to 1998. He died of cancer at age 61. Although ...
I recently happened across clips of the 1997 movie “Life is Beautiful” on YouTube and was reminded that the movie itself is beautiful, and meaningful. The winner of three academy ...
Back when I was writing about medicine and health for The Des Moines Register, I was surprised to learn that people in scientific fields often don’t act rationally. I recall ...
Some years ago, a friend of New York Times opinion columnist Ross Douthat told Douthat that, “If appreciating some of the ideas in St. Augustine’s ‘Confessions’ was enough to make ...
Are we made in God’s image and likeness or is God made in our image and likeness? The first notion is in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, where ...
Every week after publishing these blogs I post a brief summary of the blog’s contents and its accompanying image on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram and email the same to ...