Freedom, and Our True Selves

Geez! I’m doing dishes, again! And now I have to go on a long trip because my spouse wants to. Tomorrow I have to skip work because my kid is ...

How We Respond to Adversity

Some try to avoid it at all cost. Others try to minimize it. Still others deny it. But some seem to accept adversity with courage and grace. What’s their secret? ...

A Renowned Scientist Committed to His Faith

A defining moment in U.S. history is occurring with little fanfare. Francis Collins, who has headed the National Institutes of Health for a dozen years, has announced that he is ...

Can We Be Intimate with God?

When our kids were young, my wife and I had a hard time getting them to attend weekly religious education classes at our parish. Even then, I understood why. They ...

When Is It Too Late?

Among famous people dying recently was Norm MacDonald, a comedian who was a regular on Saturday Night Live from 1993 to 1998. He died of cancer at age 61. Although ...

Will Everything Really Be OK?

I recently happened across clips of the 1997 movie “Life is Beautiful” on YouTube and was reminded that the movie itself is beautiful, and meaningful. The winner of three academy ...