
“Do Not Be Afraid … You Are My Dearest Friends”*

Toxic Fear is perhaps life’s greatest hostage-taker. One psychiatrist calls it a “disease of the imagination.” Fear and disabling Worry can start off like a tiny seed and, watered by thoughts that emphasize worst-case scenarios, grow into a virus-like fiend that ends up dominating our mental state. It then holds us back from our ability to enjoy nearly every dimension of our life: our talents, our work, our love, our play, and our approach to a life in the Spirit.

This website is dedicated to three major Defense Systems that can be effective in helping us overcome the insidious nature of fear, as well as other mental health demons like depression. It will also focus on how we can better live out our lives free of those persistent foragers that roam throughout the corners of our minds… relentlessly haunting us.

Those three Defense Systems are: Spirituality, Psychology and Addiction. All three of these provide newly developed means of delving into the root causes of fear and depression and other mental health disorders, and assisting people in finding improved pathways to freedom, joy, and peace.

“Do not be afraid” – a phrase found 365 times in Sacred Scripture!

*Luke 12:32; translation found in The Bible in Contemporary Language, Eugene H. Peterson

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mm Ted

U.S. suicide rate has risen sharply in the 21st century

Apr 22, 2016

Article published in the Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/us-suicide-rate-has-risen-sharply-in-the-21st-century/2016/04/21/2b5fa6fe-07d1-11e6-bdcb-0133da18418d_story.html?tid=ss_mail

mm Tom Carney

Seizing an Illusive Prize

Apr 21, 2016

For just a few minutes, I ask you to suspend any disbelief you may have about Jesus’ resurrection and the gospel accounts about it because I want to write...

mm Ted

What Some Critics of ‘Amoris Laetitia’ Are Missing

Apr 15, 2016

An article from America Magazine: http://americamagazine.org/content/all-things/what-some-critics-amoris-laetitia-are-missing

mm Ted

Richard Rohr: Divinization: A Lost Pearl

Apr 15, 2016

The Greek word theosis, often used by the Eastern Fathers of the church, is probably best translated as “divinization.” Although usually taught in the more mystical and Trinitarian...

mm Ted

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Apr 15, 2016

“The Father and I are one.” Jn. 10:30                 When Catholics my age were young, almost everything we learned about our faith was accomplished through catechisms. These learning tools...

mm Ted

Landmark Vatican conference rejects just war theory, asks for encyclical on nonviolence

Apr 15, 2016

Article posted in National Catholic Reporter http://ncronline.org/news/vatican/landmark-vatican-conference-rejects-just-war-theory-asks-encyclical-nonviolence

mm Tom Carney

Unknown and Unsung Saints

Apr 14, 2016

Growing up Catholic, I used to read about the saints. That may sound quaint, and perhaps boring. But it wasn’t their piety that attracted me. It was the fact...

mm Ted

Who will bring forth Pope Francis’ vision?

Apr 12, 2016

Article posted by National Catholic Reporter http://ncronline.org/blogs/roman-observer/who-will-bring-forth-pope-francis-vision