

A Collective Yawn?

I recall as a child riding in our car’s back seat with my father’s Aunt Josie, a usually kind and gentle woman who visited us occasionally. As we passed a ...


What It Means To Be Pro-Life

My brother, Jack, and his wife, Rosie, raised four wonderful children, each of whom are loving, caring human beings who contribute to the good of society. But Jack and Rosie ...


Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

“… anyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions, cannot be my disciple.” Lk 14:33 Several years ago, a movie directed by Clint Eastwood featured a very beguiling ...


Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

     “… rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” Lk 10:20 Remember the Baltimore Catechism? Those of you raised as Catholics in the 1940’s and ‘50’s are likely nodding ...


Nuns and Nones

“Nones,” as readers of this blog should know by now, are people who answer “none” on survey questions about their religious affiliation. The surveys show that more Americans, especially the ...


Third Sunday of Easter

                           “Come and have breakfast.” Jn. 21:12 Ever been betrayed? Ever felt the pain of being abandoned, dismissed, rejected? If you have, then you know these are experiences that often ...