

Christianity: One Size Fits All?

There’s a strange story in the Gospel of Luke about Jesus sending out a large group of disciples, two by two, as a kind of advance contingent “into every town ...


The Problem with “Chosen Families”

Listening to a radio broadcast recently, I heard an interview of a woman who was advocating for more freedom for women. Basically, she said that women should be free from ...


Indifference Society’s Greatest Threat?

One of my favorite songs in Spanish is a well-known tune by Argentina’s iconic singer, Mercedes Sosa, who died in 2009. I’ve mentioned it before in this blog. Here are ...


Fourth Sunday of Easter

“I am the good shepherd … A good shepherd lays down his life for his  sheep.” Jn. 10:11 “A record wave of deadly shootings hits US Cities.” This was a ...


Why People Reject Religion

Due to time restraints caused by my moving out-of-state, Skeptical Faith for the next few weeks will be, as they say in show biz, “encore presentations.” This one was published ...


Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

“ … not a hair on your head will perish. By your endurance you will secure your lives.” Lk. 21:19 It’s that time of the church year again – the ...