
This resource will feature weekly Sunday Reflections based on the readings from Sacred Scripture written by Ted Wolgamot, Psy.D. The readings are found in those cycles common to the Catholic Church, the Episcopal Church, and most mainstream Protestant churches. It will also include a blog written by a guest, articles of interest in the spiritual world, and books that have been found to be of special import.


Fifth Sunday of Lent

                “Neither do I condemn you.” Jn. 8:11 Imagine. Imagine for a moment that you are the woman in today’s Gospel. Imagine the experience of crippling shame while being led ...


Doubt, and the Fear of Death

Back in 1995 when I was 53 years old, I wrote a Father’s Day piece for The Des Moines Sunday Register about Pat Carney, my 94-year-old father. It was entitled, ...


How Religion Makes Us Better

I’ve noticed that as I grow older, I’m less likely to have bouts of anger – something that in the past I’ve had more often than I care to admit ...


Third Sunday in Lent

                  “… if you do not repent, you will all perish ….” Lk 13:3 High anxiety. That’s what we’re introduced to in today’s Gospel. The people Jesus is addressing are ...


Chasing Certainty

In the newsroom at the newspaper where I worked was a sign saying, “If your mother says she loves you, check it out.” The message, of course, is that nothing ...


Second Sunday of Lent

“Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up the mountain to pray. While he was praying his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white.” Lk. 9:28 ...