This resource will feature weekly Sunday Reflections based on the readings from Sacred Scripture written by Ted Wolgamot, Psy.D. The readings are found in those cycles common to the Catholic Church, the Episcopal Church, and most mainstream Protestant churches. It will also include a blog written by a guest, articles of interest in the spiritual world, and books that have been found to be of special import.
Wisdom literature: insight based on experience – how to live in the world: community wisdom Proverbs: life as a way or path – 2 options: wise way; foolish way; features ...
For the greater part of my life, I have been haunted by the person of Jesus. From my earliest days as a child, there was something compelling about him and ...
“ … when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Cor: 12:10 Many years ago I was working as a therapist at a famous alcohol and drug treatment center ...
“Little girl, I say to you, arise!” Mk. 5:41 “I forgive you.” These were the words spoken by Nadine Collier as tears ran down her face. She was speaking to ...
I recently attended a Mass at Old St. Patrick’s Church in Chicago’s West Loop where the new archbishop, Blase Cupich, happened to be visiting and conducting the liturgy. As usual ...
For many of us in the western world, a glut of obstacles impedes the search for God. In my view, they include indulgent prosperity, religious illiteracy, damaging sex, secularism and “busyness.” ...