
This resource will feature weekly Sunday Reflections based on the readings from Sacred Scripture written by Ted Wolgamot, Psy.D. The readings are found in those cycles common to the Catholic Church, the Episcopal Church, and most mainstream Protestant churches. It will also include a blog written by a guest, articles of interest in the spiritual world, and books that have been found to be of special import.


How We Envision God

The Catholic Church, to which I belong, is observing a Jubilee Year of Mercy in 2016. Because “mercy” is one of those religious words that is otherwise seldom used in ...


US church eyes potential of the ‘internal forum’

Article published in the National Catholic Reporter http://ncronline.org/news/faith-parish/us-church-eyes-potential-internal-forum


Richard Rohr’s Meditation: Love Week 2

Click here to view Daily Meditation from Fr. Richard Rohr entitled Love: Week 2


Crux: In 2016, Pope Francis wants a Church on the move

Article found in Crux, a publication of the Boston Globe http://www.cruxnow.com/church/2016/01/06/in-2016-pope-francis-wants-a-church-on-the-move/


Epiphany of the Lord

 “We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” Mt. 2:2   What a challenging story. Unfortunately, we’ve heard it so many times, acted it ...


Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God

  “The shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem, and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in a manger.”   May the Force be with you! The latest episode ...