
This resource will feature weekly Sunday Reflections based on the readings from Sacred Scripture written by Ted Wolgamot, Psy.D. The readings are found in those cycles common to the Catholic Church, the Episcopal Church, and most mainstream Protestant churches. It will also include a blog written by a guest, articles of interest in the spiritual world, and books that have been found to be of special import.


Four cardinals do not make a schism

Article published by National Catholic Reporter Four cardinals do not make a schism


A Lifelong Task

A friend recently described to me his near-death, or out-of-body experience. Like many who have had such experiences, he said he is a changed man. He is religious in a ...


The Road to God

For almost a year, construction crews have been busy around our house, which abuts a street being reconstructed. Some of the work is on our property or on property we ...


First Sunday of Advent

“Stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come.” Mt. 24: 42 Fasten your seat belts!! This is the full alert message of the Rapture ...


Aging and Other Unmentionables

My Dad, Leo “Pat” Carney, died in 1995 at the age of 94. A native of Emmetsburg, Ia. – named after Irish patriot Robert Emmet and once a magnet for ...


Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

“This is the King of the Jews.” Lk 23:38 Throughout the Middle Ages, the Church adopted many of the trappings we associate with people of power. As a consequence, little ...