
This resource will offer articles of singular interest concerning mental health issues. It will especially focus on the latest developments in the field of brain research.


Nicholas Kristof: Drugs, Greed and a Dead Boy

Nicholas Kristoff is columnist for the New York Times. This article looks at the increasing danger of “medications” being used with countless children and the outrageous profits being made by ...


Learning and Memory

“Memory is of critical importance to our very existence.” James McGaugh, Ph.D. How do we remember what we remember? Like most of the brain’s processes, memory remains a bit of ...


The Senses and Perception

“We’ve learned there are many brain regions involved in perception.” Marlene Behrmann, Ph.D. Our five senses – vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch – are what helps us successfully navigate ...


The Developing Brain

“Your brain is changing every minute of the day, from your time in the womb until the moment you die.” Abigail Baird, Ph.D. According to the most recent brain studies, ...


The Wonders of the Human Brain

“The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.” Thomas Edison Twenty-five years ago, President George H.W. Bush issued an official proclamation designating the 1990’s as the ...


New Shocking Findings Concerning Autism

A brand new book entitled Evolving Ourselves, by Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans claims that “In 2008, a 78 percent increase in autism – a noncontagious condition – occurred in ...