Who’s In and Who’s Not?

My admiration for Pope Francis is no secret to readers of this blog. So what’s his greatest contribution to the modern world? In my opinion, it’s his oft-quoted conviction that ...

Who Is Seeking Whom?

Most of us grew up as Christians or Jews. We went to Mass, Sunday school or Hebrew School. We heard fantastic stories about Moses and Abraham, Peter, Paul and Jesus. ...

Why We Follow Trends

(This is my 100th weekly blog. Thank you to my readers – those who read them regularly and those who look at them occasionally. I hope they’re helpful in the ...

Trends Are Only Part of the Story

Prominent in recent news reports is the not-surprising disclosure that the U.S. is less Christian, and that fewer Americans choose to be a part of any religion. It’s not surprising ...

Wonder, Awe, and Doubt

Every year at this time I’m astonished again at the beauty of creation. You would think that at my age, all the wonder and awe would have disappeared. But to ...

Gratitude to Whom or What?

We have a bird feeder outside our bedroom window. It gets empty often. I try to fill it promptly and when I do, the sparrows, blackbirds and woodpeckers return almost ...