Outside Mexico itself, the United States is home to the largest Mexican community in the world. More than one in 10 Americans count Mexico as their country of origin or ...
Master Sgt. Roddie Edmonds stared down the barrel of his Nazi captor’s pistol in a German prison camp 71 years ago and refused to say which of his fellow prisoners ...
My friend and former classmate, Ted Wolgamot, writes compelling blog posts that are weekly reflections on the Bible readings used at weekend Catholic masses. His posts are found at www.drtedsweb.com. ...
Emily Triantaphyllis, a second daughter to my spouse and me since she became one of my daughter’s best childhood friends, has co-produced the award-winning documentary, Seeds of Time, which is ...
Long enough have I been dwelling With those who hate peace. I am for peace, but when I speak, They are for fighting. (Psalm 119/120) This verse has never been ...
A recent comment on a blog I wrote about violence and religion had this to say: “…Religion promotes the belief in something that is and has never been proven, i.e., ...