A few months ago I wrote a two-and-a-half page letter to the liturgy committee at the church my wife and I attend. For those unfamiliar with the term, “liturgy” refers ...
A curious thing happened after the close of the Democratic National Convention last month. Sales of pocket-sized versions of the U.S. Constitution skyrocketed. That’s right, the document, sold for $1 ...
In her book, “The Nones Are Alright; A New Generation of Believers, Seekers and Those in Between,” Kaya Oakes sums up nicely the plight of young people who are leaving ...
At age 19, I made my first of many trips to Ireland where my mind recorded a simple but unforgettable scene. A friend and I had driven to the far ...
I once had a heated conversation with a police officer on the subject of evil, specifically, whether some people are simply evil, as he contended, or whether as I maintained, ...
My parents’ scare tactic for encouraging their five children to study was that if we didn’t, we could wind up being “ditch diggers.” That occupation was relatively rare even in ...