Why “Church” May Have Lost Its Appeal

A few months ago I wrote a two-and-a-half page letter to the liturgy committee at the church my wife and I attend. For those unfamiliar with the term, “liturgy” refers ...

Doctrine is not “Church”

A curious thing happened after the close of the Democratic National Convention last month. Sales of pocket-sized versions of the U.S. Constitution skyrocketed. That’s right, the document, sold for $1 ...

The Loss of God and Sense of Regret

In her book, “The Nones Are Alright; A New Generation of Believers, Seekers and Those in Between,” Kaya Oakes sums up nicely the plight of young people who are leaving ...

Three Teens on an Irish Pier

At age 19, I made my first of many trips to Ireland where my mind recorded a simple but unforgettable scene. A friend and I had driven to the far ...

How Could God Allow Dallas, Baton Rouge, St. Paul?

I once had a heated conversation with a police officer on the subject of evil, specifically, whether some people are simply evil, as he contended, or whether as I maintained, ...

Slip Slidin Away

My parents’ scare tactic for encouraging their five children to study was that if we didn’t, we could wind up being “ditch diggers.” That occupation was relatively rare even in ...