Can We Live in God’s Presence?

Many people are uncomfortable, even embarrassed, by personal expressions of religious belief or practice. So be warned, I’m about to engage in such an expression. About a year ago, I ...

Religion a Way of Seeing

In his book, “Who Needs God?” Rabbi Harold Kushner tells this story. A man receives a message that a relative died and left him valuable property. He was to contact ...

Selflessness Part of Who We Are?

When I was a reporter, I did a story about Ed, a man in his 80s who took round-the-clock care of his demented wife. Alzheimer’s disease had already attacked her ...

Rage against God

Ellie Wiesel, author, Nobel Peace winner and survivor of the Holocaust, experienced the worst of what life can throw at a human being. The camps created by the Nazis where ...

The Benefits of Trust in God

The Vatican recently named the first-ever American-born person to be an official “martyr,” considered to be a step in the process to be declared a saint. Though a Catholic, I’m ...

A Crime against Searchers for God

Of all the news of the past few weeks, none so moved me as the conviction of Dylann Roof in the murder last year of nine people at Emanuel African ...