I was working on my bike a couple of weeks ago and in lifting it onto a rack where I could move the chain freely, I put my right arm ...
If you’re a Christian, or seeking God in the Christian tradition, do you ever feel like you don’t quite measure up? I do, and I mentioned this in a roundtable ...
I recently read an online article from the publication, desiringgod.com, based on research by the Pew Research Center that reports that “roughly 70 percent of high school students who enter ...
During my time as a priest among the indigenous people of a remote area of Bolivia, I often thought that one of my jobs was trying to undo the spiritual ...
The famous theologian and Lutheran pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, had a lot of time on his hands as he sat in a Nazi prison in 1943. Before prison, he was a ...
I’m a weekly volunteer at a social services agency, where my duties include interpreting from Spanish to English, and vice versa, for recent immigrants. If they qualify financially and otherwise, ...