Sins of our Fathers (and Mothers)

A few weeks ago, I watched a film on Netflix called “The End of the Tour.” Released in 2015, it “received widespread acclaim from critics,” according to Wikipedia, and in ...

Better or Worse Off?

This is a question often asked the public during presidential election campaigns. Do you think the country is better or worse off than four years ago? It’s a question you ...

Compassion: The Secret to a Life of Faith?

A young man who wanted to leave a gang came to see Gregory Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries – a gang intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry program in Los Angeles. ...

Pleading Uncertainty, We Flee God

A man and woman from Washington, D.C., who quit their jobs to bike around the world, were killed in an attack in Tajikistan a few weeks ago. The couple, Jay ...

Honest Talk on the Benefits of Faith

Gerald Waris, my lifelong best friend, and about 34 of his cousins recently held a reunion in which participants were invited to share memories of their childhood and their long-ago ...

The Church as Museum

In the book, “Young Adult Catholics, Religion in the Culture of Choice,” the authors include a wealth of data on attitudes and beliefs of a range of young people, from ...