Social scientists, I’ve noticed, often try to use scientific studies to explain human emotions, and sentiments like kindness – with limited success, in my opinion. The National Public Radio (NPR) ...
I regularly ask myself why I write these blogs. And one of my answers is that I hope to help people answer the question, “What does it mean to believe?” ...
An acquaintance a couple of years ago spoke to me about her frustration with her teenage daughter who wanted to live with her boyfriend. “Don’t you want me to be ...
Many people are turned off by dogma, or doctrine, according to surveys, and some churches have accommodated this trend. Many megachurches, for instance, try to provide something for everyone, no ...
“Nones,” as readers of this blog should know by now, are people who answer “none” on survey questions about their religious affiliation. The surveys show that more Americans, especially the ...
Mass shootings. A more-than-ever dysfunctional federal government. The refusal of so many Americans to recognize that mother earth is in trouble. The reoccurrence of violent racism. The apparent abandonment by ...