As a seminary student in my 20s, my friend, Gerald Waris, and I used part of the money we earned working in a brewery to take a summer’s-end trip to ...
I’m a bit of a hoarder. Not in the usual sense, because I’m almost anal in keeping things neat and clean. No, I hoard books, articles and bits and pieces ...
Dealing with the pandemic and all the closures of entertainment venues, the main story in the weekly entertainment section of our local newspaper was entitled, “100 Things to Do While ...
My friend, Lori Chesser, an immigration lawyer, writes about the complexities of the immigration system (which many say is no system at all) in a recent issue of Living City, ...
Dear God, Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don’t you just keep the ones you have now? Jane An excellent question, you might say, ...
Patrick Reardon, an author who regularly contributes to the National Catholic Reporter, wrote a column recently entitled, “God Calls Us to Show Up, Be Present.” The title intrigued me, and ...