I recently mentioned to my wife, Amparo, that the self-quarantine during the pandemic feels like house arrest. Admittedly, it’s not quite that severe, but like many people, we haven’t seen ...
One of my favorite gospel passages, probably because it’s easy to see in the mind’s eye, is the story of Jesus and his disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee. After ...
Like many families during this pandemic, my wife, Amparo, and I have had many Facetime sessions with our children and grandchildren. In one recent session, our grandchild, Leo, who is ...
In her apparently successful search for God, Author Heather King experienced “that stab of joy that hints at a world hidden within this one.” But she didn’t come to that ...
While he was painting frescoes in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, the artist James Thornhill became so excited about his fresco that he stepped back to see it better and ...
“Whatever,” I said in a recent telephone conversation with my daughter. “Yikes!” I thought afterward. “Did I really use that word?” Fact is, it’s hard to resist the use of ...