Telling You How To Vote

I wouldn’t tell you who to vote for or what party to support, but I do offer my opinions on what I believe people searching for God should look for ...

Brothers (and Sisters) All

Eight hundred years ago, St. Francis of Assisi went to Egypt where he visited Sultan Malik-al-Kamil. The journey entailed considerable hardship, given Francis’ scarce resources, the great distances to be ...

All or Nothing

Evidently, the controversies surrounding the nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court of Amy Coney Barrett include an accusation that people who oppose her are resurrecting the anti-Catholicism of the past. ...

Why Is Genuine Religion So Hard?

Most of us who are searching for God know that it’s hard to believe, and hard to be “good.” Many may have doubts about God’s existence, about the rationality of ...

Is Religion Too Complicated?

During my time as a priest in rural Bolivia, where fundamentalist Protestants were making inroads into a traditionally Catholic population, I often thought about how complicated Catholicism is, making it ...

True Grit

An acquaintance of mine has always been a caregiver, in her profession and in her life. Recently, however, she has drastically reduced her contact with family and friends, telling one ...