Has the Pandemic Changed Us?

One of the most shocking and saddest stories of the pandemic era was reported in a brief story in USA TODAY a few weeks ago. “A COVID-19 patient at a ...

Spiritual Atrophy

My spouse, Amparo, and I have a grandson, Leo, who is 20 months old. Because of the pandemic, we’ve seen him only once in the past year. He and his ...

“Toxic Individualism”

Ten years ago, Dr. Kristina Darnauer and her husband moved to tiny Sterling, KS. so their kids would be raised with “small-town values.” “The values of hard work, the value of ...

The Bible: A Mishmash of Gobbledygook?

The Bible may be the best-selling book of all time, but how many people who have bought it, or received it as a gift, have actually read it? I suspect ...

Will the New Year Bring Happiness?

I recall as a youth being saddened by the song, Auld Lang Syne. I’ve read that the title is taken from a phrase in a 1788 poem by the famous Scotsman, ...

Ambivalence about Christmas

Sometimes these blogs come together easily. They flow from my brain onto the screen. Other times, I write and re-write, and every word is a problem. That’s the case with ...