How to Improve Our Vision

I recently finished reading a novel called, “Have You Seen Luis Velez” by one of my favorite authors, Catherine Ryan Hyde. It’s an unusual title, I know, but no more ...

Can You Inherit Faith, Like Silverware?

I’ve often wondered what motivated my grandmother, Julia McNulty Carney, to communicate with a cousin in Ireland she had never met. And this was in the age of “slow mail.” ...

The Futility of Trying to Impose Faith

An opinion piece in a recent edition of Rolling Stone magazine by Tim Dickinson was about Lance Wallnau, whom he describes as “a self-styled ‘prophet’ and one of America’s most ...

Spirituality Part of What Makes Us Human

A man in his 40s has recently lost his mother. At first, he was able to take her death in stride. He tried not to think about it. But after ...

The God of Whim, or Dad?

It’s undoubtedly true that the Nazi concentration camps produced many atheists, not only among survivors but among those who know about them. “Where was God?” many of them and those ...

Thinking the Unthinkable

Apart from the pope, Catholic leaders don’t often get positive media coverage. They are an easy target. They often say publicly what people don’t want to hear, bucking contemporary views ...