My Annual Christmas Lament

Christmas is not my favorite time of the year. Don’t get me wrong. I love the idea of celebrating the birth of Jesus. After Easter, Christmas is arguably the most ...

Discerning God’s Presence

I’ve adopted a practice called “Centering Prayer.” My brother, a priest in Kansas City who died in 2008, was an enthusiast and teacher of Centering Prayer but I tried it ...

In the Interest of Fairness

Back in October, I wrote a blog in which I was somewhat critical of evangelical Christians. I quoted an opinion piece in Rolling Stone magazine about Lance Wallnau, an evangelical ...

What We Can Learn from Monks

My college and much of my post-graduate education was provided by Benedictine monks. For those unfamiliar with Christian monasticism, it’s an ancient form of living the gospel through a combination ...

Whom To Thank?

I’ve developed the habit, during night prayer, to think of the people I’ve met and who have helped me during the day. They include clerks in stores, waiters, workers who’ve ...

How We Think of “Church”

At a recent weekend liturgy at the Jesuit church of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Denver, the church’s pastor, Fr. Dirk Dunfee, confided in his congregation during a homily about ...