Whom To Thank?

I’ve developed the habit, during night prayer, to think of the people I’ve met and who have helped me during the day. They include clerks in stores, waiters, workers who’ve ...

How We Think of “Church”

At a recent weekend liturgy at the Jesuit church of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Denver, the church’s pastor, Fr. Dirk Dunfee, confided in his congregation during a homily about ...

What’s a Human Being Worth?

The human body, composed mostly of water, plus trace amounts of silicon, manganese, fluorine, copper, zinc, arsenic, and aluminum, is worth about $1. If you were able to include your ...

The Lying Season

Thank God, we’re almost through one of the worst “lying seasons” ever. That’s what I call the time before elections when candidates air campaign ads full of wild exaggerations, half-truths ...

How to Improve Our Vision

I recently finished reading a novel called, “Have You Seen Luis Velez” by one of my favorite authors, Catherine Ryan Hyde. It’s an unusual title, I know, but no more ...

Can You Inherit Faith, Like Silverware?

I’ve often wondered what motivated my grandmother, Julia McNulty Carney, to communicate with a cousin in Ireland she had never met. And this was in the age of “slow mail.” ...