An online ad for a book on spiritual practices reads: “We all have a spiritual side, but for many of us, it’s something we don’t quite understand. We may feel ...
First, a disclosure: this blog – as many of my blogs – uses the experience of a Catholic to illustrate its purpose. I believe, however, that people of any faith, ...
I recently watched the Netflix documentary, “Our Universe.” It’s a glitzy attempt to relate current natural species to the creation of the universe – repeating the view that everything is ...
I was shocked recently when I saw on Facebook reactions to a report on the educational attainment of the residents of the 50 U.S. states. After viewing a couple of ...
To be close to family, my wife, Amparo, and I recently moved from Iowa to Colorado, and I’ve been soaking up the natural beauty here. About five minutes from our ...
I’ve always liked the slogan, “If you want peace, work for justice.” It’s a 1972 quote from Pope Paul VI, according to an online site summarizing five sources. The quote ...