Wanting “the Best”

Rachel Connolly recently wrote a column in the New York Times called “The Tyranny of the Best.” “There is a kind of person who finds the idea of seeking out ...

Why Bad Things Happen

My brother-in-law, Jose Mario Botero, recently took a terrible fall down a spiraling, steel staircase in his home in Medellín, Colombia. It resulted in a massive head injury, and he ...

Spirituality Found in the Obvious?

An online ad for a book on spiritual practices reads: “We all have a spiritual side, but for many of us, it’s something we don’t quite understand. We may feel ...

Taking Another Look

First, a disclosure: this blog – as many of my blogs – uses the experience of a Catholic to illustrate its purpose. I believe, however, that people of any faith, ...

Viewing “Our Universe”

I recently watched the Netflix documentary, “Our Universe.” It’s a glitzy attempt to relate current natural species to the creation of the universe – repeating the view that everything is ...

Knowing What We Don’t Know

I was shocked recently when I saw on Facebook reactions to a report on the educational attainment of the residents of the 50 U.S. states. After viewing a couple of ...