Ten Years of a Religious “Rock Star”

I’ve often read or observed media reports of huge crowds that turn out for rock stars and other popular celebrities, wondering if that could ever happen to a religious leader. ...

Why We Deserve Respect

Thomas Meagher was an Irish revolutionary whom the British sentenced to death. But his hanging was commuted at the last minute, and he was “transported” to a penal colony in ...

Our Brains on Stories

I often wonder why more preachers – priests, ministers, rabbis – fail to use stories in their homilies. (Ok, I must admit I’m talking about Catholic preachers. I’ve heard few ...

The Bugaboo of “Organized Religion”

I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard criticism of “organized religion” – that it tries to force its tenets down the throats of the rest of society, that it ...

Loneliness is bad for your (Spiritual) Health

I’m hooked on a Netflix series called “Alone.” It’s about a group of 10 experienced outdoors people who are taken to remote areas, each left alone with limited gear, no ...

Saints, Sinners and “the Woke”

Those of you of a certain age may remember Daniel Ellsberg, the American political activist, economist and military analyst who was at the center of a national political controversy in ...