When Grief Won’t Relent

Grief is a human reaction to loss that is normal and healthy. But this article by Jane Brody in the New York Times discusses the issue of “extremely disruptive grief,” ...

Sebastian Seung’s Quest To Map the Human Brain

Few matters are more fascinating than learning more about how our brains function and why we do some of the things we do. A Princeton neuroscientist is hoping to help ...

Getting Grief Right

The issue of grief and how it can lead to true closure is pointedly discussed in this article written by Patrick O’Malley. Mr O’Malley helps us understand that “grief is ...

The Uber Version of Therapy

Can young adults safely tackle depression and mental health issues through technology? This is the question posed in a very fascinating article written by Lorraine Sanders. It can be found ...

After PTSD, More Trauma

The after effects of war are an extremely troubling issue for us Americans, and others throughout the world. This article found in the NT Times and written by David J. ...

Redefining Mental Illness

This article by T.M. Lurhmann discusses how one out of four people suffer from mental illness and how new research now recognizes that diagnosis and drugs are not the only ...